Joana’s Music Box – Notebook Series #01
Valentine’s present turned Wedding symbol, Joana’s Music Box sings an ethereal lullaby

Woodland Grand Piano (demo)
The Woodland Grand Piano is a multi-layered and multi-miked instrument with five articulations (Felt, Normal, Muted, Plucked, Rain) and several release triggers and pedal sounds

Hugh’s Bouzouki
An old bouzouki that a friend lent me to sample. I finally got around to it. Kontakt 5.8.1

Folk Winds
Four solo folk wind instruments, with various articulations, and organic pad sounds made from ensemble textures and the original source material.

Irish Tin Whistle
A sample Kontakt library of an irish tin whistle. It has two articulations: short and sustain. You can add some plate reverb or turn it completely off. It has only one velocity layer: first, because I couldn't play softer and second, because I think it's sufficient. If you hit harder on the keyboard you'll get the octave and can play octave passages faster.

Organic Reverb Experiments 01
Recorded in a huge, empty, reflective sports hall with amazing natural reverb and delay characteristics. Containing 3 layers of guitar harmonics, flute, and flute trills.

Ululation Clarinet
A wrangled woodwind that Growls, Cries & Squeaks – a project by the New York Arts Program students of Fall 2021

Expressive Duduk
A genuine, mastercrafted duduk in A was sampled using stereo condensor microphones. Use the modwheel to emulate a real performance, or dial in a tone with the layer knobs.

Non Fungible Piano
A Kimball upright piano at my parents house that hasn't been tuned for a couple decades.

Legacy Knight Piano
A beautiful Knight K10 upright piano that was sampled at a local tuner’s workshop.

Algodón Piano
An inviting library capturing the rich, immersive tones of an old upright piano, slightly out of tune, blending muted notes with subtle hammer sounds and delicately accompanied by the rustle of turning book pages and the soothing purr of my cat. It is the second release in the 'Algodón' collection, which aims to craft instruments whose tones transport us to a place, a cherished memory, or perhaps even a dream

Cello Harm
A very raw, close up sounding cello playing a mixture of natural and artificial harmonics.

The 9,000ft Piano
Its the Rockies, I'm light-headed and dehydrated.... but the piano was worth the discomfort.

Reluctant Autoharp
An experiment in making an instrument sound like its being played by an amateur. In this case an autoharp.

Hypersonic Violin Textures
From my private archive, textures made from a few violins sampled at a super high sample rate so when you detune them you don't get all the bleeps and bloops from the 1s and 0s

A traditional Icelandic fiddle, built by my grandfather. The playable range of the melodic string is sampled, plus some drones, strums and soundscapes made by sample manipulation.

A sample pack exploring different articulations and sounds from a cheap monochord. An additional set of manipulated patches are included as well.

Matchbox Violin
A tremolo violin plucked with a guitar pick. It features three dynamic layers (attached to mod wheel) and expression.

Lyre Lyre
An authentic Greek lyre harp sampled across three chromatic octaves for a natural and evocative tone. Perfect for scoring a mediterranean setting or expanding your timbral palette.

Autumn Piano
My ongoing seasonal theme for capturing my gorgeous Schimmel upright whilst abusing it ever so slightly.

Toy Glockenspiel for DecentSampler
A sample library I created using a toy glockenspiel. I also had some fun and ran the samples through both a handheld cassette recorder and an old, mono reel-to-reel player.

Harpsimachord is a Decent Sampler deep sampling of my 1970s two-manual, three-rank (8/8/4) Douglas Van Dyck Brown harpsichord.