Mom’s 1974 Baby Grand
My mother's 1974 Wm. Knabe & Co. baby grand piano, captured to be enjoyed forever.
Bilhorn Reed
A century old portable reed organ with all the character of a mechanical musical instrument. Tones range from surprisingly deep-throated growls up to asthmatic rasps. [ Version 2 (1.7 Gb) includes 7 round robins and more. ]
Toy Glockenspiel for DecentSampler
A sample library I created using a toy glockenspiel. I also had some fun and ran the samples through both a handheld cassette recorder and an old, mono reel-to-reel player.
Santa Croce
Fieldrecordings of sounds found in Sante Croce Firenze, spiced up with some sounds of an Arturia Microfreak
NFO Alternative Chamber Strings Shorts
Chamber strings shorts, keys and pulses, recorded by the Northern Film Orchestra
Raw Violin
Different and very versatile pads that can be played like keys, created from distorted and out of tune notes played on a practice violin
Decent Oboe
A Decent Sampler instrument, samples recorded of a Yamaha Oboe. Sustains, Staccatos and a Legato option. (2 round robins). Extra controls for Vibrato, Delay and Convolution Reverbs
Legacy Knight Piano
A beautiful Knight K10 upright piano that was sampled at a local tuner’s workshop.
Anne-Marie the Hohner T
A Hohner Pianet T electric piano with bundles of character, DI'ed and amped......
Antique Harmonium
Tucked away at the back of Spitfire Audio Studios, lies a dusty old machine rescued from oblivion. From every creek to bellowing whisper, this pack is packed with character!
The babbling sampler incessantly chatters, laughs, murmurs and expounds, in English and German, drawing from source material of Ulysses by James Joyce. Pull up the sliders to play.
The Rubberband Box
I needed some big rubber bands one day. Noticed a suitable wood box I was in need of for my studio on the same trip to the store. Of course the kid in me raised his head and said these need to be combined. So it’s a box with a rubber band around it. I […]