The Thump
I'm a producer/sound designer with over 20 years of experience, including releasing over 150 ACID libraries for Sonic Foundry and Sony Creative Software. Now, I'm independent and having some fun...
Sample Packs
The Thump’s Reviews
This is rad!
The perfect library for a rivethead like me to use. I love the on/off sounds and the first time I played with the granular control, I laughed with delight. I love the GUI design, the shaping controls make it musically useful - not just a sound design tool - and I'll definitely be using it in some compositions.
I also really like how you took the time to thank the Discord server users for their assistance - I love how pianobook is such a supportive community!
Thanks for releasing this!
Simply Charming
I thought this pack was great, especially the 'Old Piano' preset! I appreciate the "in-the-moment" nature of how you recorded it, along with your approach to manipulating the original samples (and describing your process). GUI was on-point, and I'm totally 'stealing' that changing background trick from you! :D
Good stuff, keep at it!