Sage Reynolds’s Reviews
Collaborative Fun
It was a real pleasure collaborating on this project lead by Owen Bolig. He has done an incredible job on everything from the next level 3D GUI design and the deep, evolving engine, to the solid videos and his own super creative sample instrument, Ivory Wavetable. I love everyone else's contributions as samplists and composers, too! Appropriate to the collaborative nature of this sample pack, the real magic happens for me when combining (as multis) the various instruments/colours into shifting, undulating, layered sonic goodness. Excellent job everyone and strong vision, Owen!
A Unique, Visionary Sample Instrument
This is a unique and forward looking/thinking sample instrument that offers an adventurous experience for the music maker. It has one of the coolest GUIs that I have seen and its top notch functionality points towards some of the directions that the work of this community could be headed, especially with the help of scripting experts such as obolig. Awesome work!