Peter Elfman of Stereo Static
A storyteller at heart, music has been an integral part of my existence for as long as I've possessed one. I'm not the musician that will blow you away with heartfelt solos and symphonies, I'm the tech that managed the levels and rigged the equipment that allowed the performance to be shared. I like my frequencies low and my time signatures varied. There's music in noise, and story in music. I aim to find them all.
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Peter Elfman of Stereo Static’s Reviews
Lusciously Textured
If Christian came out and said this was the sample pack that inspired the 'inspired' metric of reviewing, I would believe it 100%. Chords played vary from alluring to haunting, and add wonderful textures to whatever piece they appear. This sample pack was a large inspiration in an ambient piece I wrote, that now serves as my morning alarm. I highly recommend the Discord Choir to everyone.
Voices like none other
This is truly one of the most amazing sample packs I have ever heard in my short career, by such a margin that I can't even imagine what it would take to dethrone Winter Voices. Lusciously textured, it's the human voice in a way that has never really been heard before. I found this absolutely perfect for those instances when you want the effect a human voice can have on a piece without sounding like everyone else's choral recordings. I was deeply inspired the moment I tried this sample pack out, spending the next few weeks of my life working on that piece. Time well spent, and I look forward to the next project that calls for these sounds. I did want to add one note; my experience is limited, so the issue may be my own, but I found use of the chorus limited, in that short notes don't play well at all out of the box, and would need a lot of additional help say, from effect plugins, automation, etc. I feel this might limited it's uses in some ways.
Not your daddy's violin
... unless you happen to be David's offspring, I guess. I have a strong leaning towards electronica, in all forms and shades. My favorite thing about this sample pack is that it sounds like someone manipulated a violin sample, right out of the box. I love the subtle textures that arise when playing long notes, and I love the haunting echo after releasing a short note. I've found quite a few uses for it, and tend to default to this sample pack when I want the sound of a single violin playing versus an entire section. I don't really have any notes; it's a well constructed sample pack that sounds beautiful, and I honestly can't think of a way to improve it.