Paul Nattress - Mornats
I'm a hobbyist, drawn to sample libraries through my love of cinematic and orchestral music. I'm always thrilled that I can puts my hands down on the keys of a keyboard and hear an entire symphonic orchestra come out of the speakers. I'm a bass player primarily, and will one day get round to sampling my basses but first, I have a cigar box guitar, a gnarly bass distortion pedal and a pocket amp made out of an old World War 2 gas pill canister. I'll record it. One day. And it'll be for Pianobook.
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Paul Nattress - Mornats’s Reviews
Quite a distinctive voice that works for me
I'm far from being a pianist and would usually steer away from composing a piece of music centred around a piano. This was one of the first Pianobook instruments that I downloaded and the tone and feel just really gelled with me. I composed a track, that you can see in the top right called Woodlands. This piano, it's sound, it's character is what inspired the piece. That's what I look for in any instrument or sample library.