I am a Guitar/Ukulele teacher from Essex in the U.K. I've also played in bands, worked in theatre pit bands and have had some success as a stock music composer. Thanks to the inspiration from both Christian Henson and also David Hilowitz I've also taken the plunge into trying out sampling, which I really enjoy and hope you find what I produce useful.

Pencil Guitar Version 2
Basically me hitting my acoustic guitar strings with a pencil but with a velocity layer added so you can choose the sample.

Very cheap USB fan. There are two samples. The first one with just the fan. The second with the fan sitting on my acoustic guitar strings.

Wind Chimes
Three sets of different wind chimes. For each set you have a looping sample as though the set of chimes was blowing in the wind. Then also one separate sample for each chime. I've put the loop on the far left key of each group and placed them on the keyboard so they're in the same order and approximate colour as the image.