Andrew Ward
aka ARPQuadra, or the "Lyme Regis synth freak" according to Electronic Sound magazine Issue 67, a computer musician and keyboardist writing & recording at Woodberry Studio in Lyme Regis, on the Jurassic Coast in Dorset, southwest England. A Pianobook early-adopter, my 1911 Bechstein Upright was the most downloaded instrument of 2019. Have a look at my Sea Burial pics on page 5 of Stories, too...
Sample Packs
Andrew Ward’s Reviews
I'm biased!
I'll always be grateful to Patrick Ytting for undertaking the technicalities of getting my piano onto Pianobook, right back in the early days of this extraordinary community project. From the moment Christian first mentioned the concept, I dreamed of my piano being available to anyone around the world to play - and that dream soon became reality, thanks to Patrick. I'm biased but I feel sure that all the wonderful composers and musicians who have submitted demos for my 1911 Bechstein Upright will agree that it has a uniquely endearing quality which, sometimes, is exactly what you're looking for...