Aba Synthphony
I enjoy creating sounds for Music. I have two Youtube channels where I post videos about Sounds Design, MIDI & Music. Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/AbaSynthphony & https://www.youtube.com/AbaModular

Synthphony S5 Complex
This is the 5th sample library in my Synthphony S series, and it comes packed with lots of new features. All samples are once again generated by computer using the Python code written by myself.

Synthphony 3
The samples are once again generated by computer by using the Python code written by myself. with different settings so that it sounds slightly different from each other.

Synthphony S4 Motion
All presets are now built into one instruments file for both Kontakt & Decent Sampler. LFO modulation for Volume, Filter & Pitch now becomes part of your sound design.

Synthphony S2 Pluck
The samples were generated in organic variations with randomness and it produces unique plucky, finger-picking or keys sounds.

Synthphony S1
Generate sounds from 4 independent sound sources, Synthphony S1 is created for music producers to discover sounds they want in the easy and flexible ways.