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3SquaresGyratory’s Reviews
Time waste - in the best possible way!
Firstly - this library was so inspiring on first play that I got totally lost in the atmosphere. For me it is very inspirational. It evokes that Ernst Reijseger, organic, breathy sound - instant "Cave of Forgotten Dreams". This would work well in a Scandi Noir context. You might feel need to roll off the deepest bass a little, to sit in a mix.
Let it grow...
I have thoroughly enjoyed working with this characterful instrument over the last few days. It certainly has hidden depths especially when you start to switch things up using the key switch trills and adding in the expressive vibrato using the WIPS version. The UI does a good job of keeping the hidden depths safely behind tabs, allowing the recorder-curious to dip their toes without getting too immersed. The recorder is something that deserves more love than dipping in Dettol and Garklein could be the way to exorcise that memory for good!
Such Character- looking forwards to Possible v2
This is a deeply sampled instrument with so much character and Sam has done an amazing job.
I particularly the tremolos when you hit the keys hard – used sparingly on a track they add extra sparkle.
I’d love to see a Version 2 of this instrument which adds some blending of the raw, natural, instrument adding maybe 2 or 3 of the many different ‘FX Pedals Added’ samples that Sam has provided. This one ‘Best Of’ instrument would be a great introduction for the curious.
Having spent a few days composing with this I can confirm it really rewards time spent with it.