The story
I fell in love with the sound of the Wurlitzer electric piano many years ago, and when I got the opportunity to purchase one for a fair price I didn’t hesitate.
It was a dream come true.
Although it was in a really bad shape it had a lovely warm sound. During the years I took care of it and restored it and tuned it so that it both looked and sounded beautiful.
Unfortunately there came a period when I was in need of some extra money and took the stupid decision to sell it, something I deeply regret today. I was wise enough though to sample it. Every key in multiple velocity layers and the raw key sounds. So I could keep the sound of my own precious Wurlitzer.
Ever since I discovered Pianobook I’ve felt that I should share the samples with this amazing community.
So here it is, I call it WörliTzer.
You got separate control of line level, raw keys and release triggers.
There’s also a low pass filter, a delay and a reverb.
I’ve also created two extra layers, wobble and granular.
To give you an idea of how you can use this library I’ve created a couple of presets.
First the obvious, WörliTzer. Which is the closest I can get to how my own Wurlitzer sounded.
Then there’s WobbliTzer which is based on the Wobble layer.
And GranuliTzer, based on the granular layer.
The FunkliTzer preset is based on the autowah effect.
ToyliTzer is all layers turned down, and only the raw key sounds turned up. This will remind you of a toy piano with a xylophone like tone.
If you play around with all layers, effects, filter, attack and release you can come up with some really unique sounds, like the DreamliTzer preset for example
The filter is assigned to the mod wheel and all knobs and controls have preconfigured CC numbers so you can assign your midi controller.
I’ve assigned the controls based on my Komplete Kontrol keyboard so that it’s assigned to the knobs on that one, CC14 – CC27.
So that’s about it, my WörliTzer, I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do!
Redesigned GUI with new skins on knobs
New vibrato effect
New autowah effect
New FunkliTzer preset
The story and walkthrough
WörliTzer 1.1 update

Reviews for WörliTzer
- Sound
- Character
- Playability
- Inspiration
Leave a review to let others know what you thought of the instrument!
The WörliTzer is one of my favorite samples I've come across thus far. Its tone is warm, unique, and inspiring. The back story from Daniel is also very interesting and helped me to appreciate this sample even more. In the Pianobook world it's truly a gem!
Story Behind the Sound
I love that this sound has a story, I almost had tears dropping from my eyes when I heard your story and how you regret selling it. I once sold my guitar and I still regret it, even if it was a simple cheap one but your Piano was special with a character and am sure you lost a friend when you lost it. I will try my best to delever your story thrue the melodies that I will creat with this sample. thanks man !!
Simply perfect!
One of the best wurlitzer samples I've played, especially when you need that raw vintage sound.
And with the added layers and effects it's just a joy to play for hours.
Great GUI as well! Well done!An inspiring discovery
A beautiful story that invites familiarity with the instrument. Very happy that after a week of getting to know it, my favorite instrument on the Pianobook (after November Piano of course :)) is even better.
I tune the knobs on my Arturia Minilab Mk2 and in the evenings I go on musical journeys with my DreamliTzer or GranuliTzer.
Daniel, thank you!
Takes me back to my college days
What a great sample pack! The standard version took me right back to my college days where the music building was filled with piles of Wurlitzer practice pianos in various states of disarray. I still kick myself for not looking into buying one as they phased them out. Anyway, I'm rambling now lol. If you want a nice, vintage Wurlitzer sound, this is it.
And I was pleasantly surprised at the DreamliTzer version as it makes a really nice Pad. The fun interface just adds a little personal touch. If I had any complaints it would be the interface. Not how it looks, but the measurements on the dials and things. I wasn't sure exactly what some of them did. That said, it also encourages exploration and isn't that hard to learn what does what with a little messing.