The story
While In Haiti Starting a Digital music program at Jakmel Ekspresyon I got a Voodoo drum made for me to have a musical instrument for the students to practice recording with. This instrument was made specifically for me by Michelet Desir and painted by the Artist Makatu. Makatu Claims the instrument was painted with the blood of Haiti and painted my artist name ‘Necatuss’ on it. I also had Michelet and Makatu Sign it, as well as Carlo, the man who introduced me to them. This drum is heavy and rather large, with a thick goat skin top for the drum head. It has a rich and thick sound. The students loved playing with it and recording with it. After my time there was done, I took the drum back with me to the united states as a memento of my time there. This VST is made using recordings I have done in my studio with the aim to preserve authenticity.
New Album ‘Netrunner’ Coming soon.
Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/necatuss/
Check out my Music: https://linktr.ee/Necatuss
For questions, comments, or concerns please contact me at:

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