The story
For this instrument I sampled a patch I created for Korg Volca Keys.
You are invited to mangle the sound and drown this mini bass synth in weird effects.
Reviews for Volca Dystopian Synth Bass
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Oh, I mangled it
This thing is great! I'm often underwhelmed by untreated samples of analog synths (even the ones I pine after in real life), but this one has a great feel and I immediately took to it.
Tricky, but awesome in the end!
Overall, a great analog bass in a very small package!
!- Now -!
Even though this is a teeny tiny little instrument patch, it has some "hidden" features that you may or may not want to tweak. Once you launch the instrument and play a single note, a white-noise layer will start to play and will continue to play even without you pressing a key. That can't be turned off by either a keyswitch or a GUI option - and it should, but you can disable it. It is an extra FX layer that the creator has included, that you can disable if you go in Kontakt's Edit Mode (wrench icon on the top left of the instrument panel). If you scroll a little you will find the "Insert Effects" section, and there you will find a grey box that's called "Lo-Fi". Deleting that wil shut it off, but if you want to re-enable it you will have to re-load the instrument patch.
Now when you remove it, you may hear a small ring that persits as you hold down the note. That gets solved by only playing in a staccato fashion, and with setting the release at around 250ms. You can find that setting in the same tab, but all the way down on the modulation panel.
These are not mandatory, but by applying these you get to have an awesome, clean sounding plucky analog bass!