The story
Tunis SpacePipe, or my processed version of a Tunisian market pipe was inspired by a recent trip to the cities of Sousse and surrounding areas near Tunis, where, in a medina I came upon a handcrafted pipe and I instantly thought ‘sampler instrument’.
Once the original pipe was recorded (I don’t play so it took some doing) I made a quick single-octave instrument in Kontakt that could then be output and played through an array of guitar pedals in order to achieve the desired sound. Pedals used were the Strymon Timeline and Nightsky plus a little Walrus Audio Chorus V2 for good measure.
The result is this new ethereal pipe pad that has haunting distant tones, with a sweeping filter modulation that can have further effects applied through the Kontakt parameters that i have chosen, use these to design to your desire, it’s really a lot of fun to tweak.. enjoy!

Si Gordon
Responsible for the recording, editing and creation of the Kontakt GUI and final instrument design.
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