The story
The ocean is perhaps nature’s greatest musical instrument—it’s certainly inspired musicians for many hundreds of years—but it isn’t an instrument most people have had the opportunity to play. TSO aims to give anyone that chance.
This project is part of an NSF-funded multi-year research project led by Rónadh Cox (Williams College Geosciences) on boulder beaches, wave physics, and coastal geomorphology. The musical component is a means to communicate the research to the public, and includes this sample library, as well as compositions from several composers. We hope to give listeners, and users of this library, a visceral sense of how massive storm waves can be, and how forcefully they interact with the coastline.
The music project is ongoing, and we’d love to hear your feedback! Learn more at our website.
If you make any cool music please feel free to share it (n.sherwood.h@gmail.com) or tag me on Instagram @sherwood.music !!
The Storm Orchestra Trailer
Seasong | TSO Demo

Reviews for The Storm Orchestra
- Sound
- Character
- Playability
- Inspiration
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Wow - great Sound!
Very good useable sounds.
Todos aquellos que disparan del bullicio y las motos náuticas en las playas sabrán de qué va esto y lo apreciarán, muchas gracias!
I never thought that ocean sound could be so inspiring!!! Thank you so much Nathan.
Beautiful and inspiring
These are some really beautiful and unique sounds from nature. Very well sampled and playable. I love creative packages like this one and the sounds here are definitely very inspiring. I especially love the percussive sounds.
A trip to the waves
This is a fantastic bundle of instruments that share the idea of the shore during a rainy day.
The percussion patch is an incredible set of various sounds, mostly nature-based, that are excellently sampled, and they are the most unique part of the library, in my opinion.
The Resonance is an instrument that combine the ambient noise of a storm with the synthy pad instrument that you can mix with the handy knob. At first you may not get a sound, but you will as soon as you jiggle either the modwheel or the second "Crash" knob. I personally can't see a difference between the two "Resonance" patches, but they sound good nonetheless.
Last but not least, there's the WaveSynth patch which a variation of the the aforementioned synth by itself which includes a portamendo/slide feature. It's weirdly panned to the left though.
It's definitely not perfect, but overall it's a solid, great and unique instrument, made with care, and will cost just around 155MB in your disk.