The story
A little while a go I saw this kickstarter project for a “New” Instrument labeled Hanago. It was designed in Korea and promised to be like a a simple Hand pluck instrument, but with a catch, A fret Board and an Audio Jack. I saw this and was interested, and for the price of $99 USD I thought it seemed like a reasonable gamble. It’s not cheap, but for musical instruments it’s certainly not expensive either. Especially if it’s halfway decent. Sadly the instrument has a few more quirks than I expected. It quickly falls out of tune, the fretboard is difficult and cumbersome to use given how short the strings are and the pickup sounds terrible and is useless. That being said, when it is tuned and you press hard enough on the strings so that the fretboard works, it actually sounds pretty good as long as it’s acoustic and not with the terrible pickups. This library is made with this instrument using a shotgun pick to record the sound. I didn’t bother recording the pickups, but maybe in the future I will do something with that and some guitar pedals.
New Album ‘Netrunner’ Coming soon.
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Reviews for The Kickstarter Risk – Hanago
- Sound
- Character
- Playability
- Inspiration
Leave a review to let others know what you thought of the instrument!
Patrick, you've really outdone yourself. The outfit selling this instrument may not really be able to bring its sound to us but you certainly have. I appreciate the fact that my hanago will never be out of tune!
Fine Instrument.
I had a similar german instrument, kantele, and it was stolen. The hanago delivers a very good string sound and the samples are first class. Thank you.
I really love the sound of this instrument, well done!