The story
In this Synthphony 3 sample library, the samples are once again generated by computer by using the Python code written by myself. Nevertheless, each samples are generated with different settings so that it sounds slightly different from each other. The samples are also being set to be triggered by the Velocity range when played. For example, Sample E2 is to be triggered when the Velocity value is 1 to 32, Sample G#2 is 33 to 64, Sample C3 is 65 to 127, Sample E3 is 81 to 127, and Sample G#3 is 100 to 127. This arrangement is a kind of experimental, I hope this library is able to inspire music producers & unleash their creativity.
The library has no factory preset, the Kontakt version has only 1 library file & Decent Sampler has 2 files. To explore new parameters setting combinations for the sounds that have never been heard before, simply click on the “Randomise” buttons (Kontakt version). As for the Decent Sampler, try solo one of the Sounds and turn the volume controls up to start with, select the octave and adjust the Effects & ADSR to discover new sounds.
I have also made some small updates to the UI (Kontakt version). Volume meters & Solo buttons are added. The High Past filter is also added to the Effects slot, turning this slider up will cut out the low-end or “boomy” sounds.
Note: Full Kontakt 6 is required (Kontakt Player will load this library as a “Demo”). You may want to try the Decent Sampler version if you do not have Kontakt Full Version. Kontakt 6 & Decent Sampler are two different Samples Players. You will notice that the output sounds from both players are different as both of their Effects engine is not the same.
Thank you for all of your comments, feedback & downloads. Your support will encourage me to continue to improve this Synthphony sample library series.

Aba Synthphony

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Mind blown my brain can't even handle processing how good these sonics are. Instant banger please more.