The story
Sunrise at MacRitchie Reservoir is a collection of 5 different sample-based instruments, all built from processed field recordings made at the MacRitchie Nature Trail & Reservoir Park in Singapore, often simply referred to as MacRitchie Reservoir. MacRitchie Reservoir is the oldest reservoir in Singapore, and walking through its 11 kilometre trail right as the sun rises, reflecting off the surface of the water, is nothing short of an enchanting experience. I wanted to create a sample library that would recreate these feelings of enchantment and blissful disconnection in the player as they play it; to allow them to not only experience the sound of the reservoir, but also (hopefully), the emotions that I feel whenever I am there.
I hope you enjoy it! 🙂

Reviews for Sunrise at MacRitchie Reservoir
- Sound
- Character
- Playability
- Inspiration
Leave a review to let others know what you thought of the instrument!
Congratulations from your Northern Neighbor~!
Congratulations from your Northern Neighbor, Anson Ong from Malaysia - hope to catch up on recording and sampling whatever coming my way yeah....
This has real potential...
As suggested in your "read me" doc, looped sample would greatly improve this library. I love the sounds and the variety of presets. If you have more to add, that would also be great. Love your work. Thanks.
Deeply sampled, deeply wonderful
This 5-piece bundle is a beautifuly sampled library featuring sounds that can give you goosebumps within seconds, right out of the box. It's one of those instruments that you load up and immediately get some inspiration, without having to tweak anything.
The most different out of the 5 is the second one which contains a pluck sound, something that might remind you some modern electro music lead plucks. My personal favourite though has got to be the first one, though I get why your opinion might be different. It's a very nice and well-made bundle, and it's awesome that it is accessible to everyone through DecentSampler!