The story
This instrument was born from me wanting to know how Round Robins are implemented in Decent Sampler. I also wanted to use something I could sample quickly with little fuss. I settled on finger snaps since I carry the instruments around with me! I recorded in my bathroom, which is the quietest place in the flat. There is a small tail on the samples because of this. It’s not really meant to be a polished instrument, more a learning exercise for me.
C4, D4 and E4 are Single snaps, double snaps recorded close and double snaps at a wider position respectively. I used a Tascam DR40x recorder with it’s built in mics, with a muffler attached. I found that if I played the three variations of snaps in quick succession by running the mouse cursor across them, I could get a pretty good clap sound, this I resampled and placed on C5.
If you use this instrument in your work, please do comment here or drop me an e-mail: steve (at) sonuslucis (dot) com

Reviews for Snaps ‘n’ Claps
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Simple but effective
This is simple but effective. If one needs finger snaps and claps in a tune, then this is it! Thanks for making this!