The story
My partner noticed my facination in sampling and knew I had a love of ringing sounds. She bought me a singing bowl for my birthday this year. It has a wonderful ring and I thought it would make a good instrument. I sampled the bowl in my bathroom (quietest room in the flat!) with a Tascam DR-40x in XY mode. I used a soft felt beater. It took around 45 minutes in total to get the necessary takes, a curious cat, called Luna, was not helpful! Processing of samples was done in Audacity v3.4.0 where I carried out noise reduction and trimming.
I have set the usable range from C1 to C7. It could possibly be stretched a little further down but within these six octaves the best sound is to be had. Feel free to extend it if you know how to edit the .dspreset file. I managed to include eight velocity layers and 5 round robins.
If you find it useful or use it in any works, I’d love to hear about it – Please feel free to drop me a line: steve@sonuslucis.com
Note: For the avoidance of doubt; This software instrument is free of charge or licence and is in the public domain. Feel free to use any of the included files for any purpose, personal or commercial.

Reviews for SL – Singing Bowl
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Very, Very Good
I have other "singing bowl" samples and I always thought the were a little bit lacking. I decided to try this one out, and I thought it may sound like the others, but it does not. This rings and rings and rings. I can feel the bowl singing. it is like I am actually sitting in the room with Sonus Lucis, and he is playing for me live. Just brilliant. Thank you I will be following you and I will be using this very soon in one (probably more, a lot more) of my compositions. Nice.