The story
A few months ago, I created a few samples with my beloved ASAT guitar by playing some harmonics and messing with the volume knob to create a slow attacks and releases, in order to create sound waves. I then over processed some of these samples, using Valhalla Supermassive and the wonderful Cassette plugin by Wavesfactory.
One sample in particular reacted very well to this treatment, so I put it in a Sampler all over the key range, and I really enjoyed the result, so I decided to share it with the Pianobook community. I made it into a DecentSampler instrument, with a second layer of the sample, this time processed with Eventide Quadravox plugin and a large stereo reverb to have a lush and wide sound. Each layer has independent volume/pan/attack/release controllers, for maximum flexibility.
Two patches:
Shivering Waves: Two looped waves of heavily processed guitar sound, with a lot of tape saturation and artifacts. The two layers don’t loop exactly the same, so over the time it creates multiple waves of sound, even better when panned left and right!
Shivering Keys: An other experiment that turn out well! I isolated the first wave of sound, and make the sample start during the peak of the wave. Then, I then linked the sample start to velocity, so the softer you play, the more the starting point will shift toward the end of the sample. So if you want more of this gritty saturated texture, don’t forget to play harder!
1.4.0 version of DecentSampler required.

Reviews for Shivering Waves
- Sound
- Character
- Playability
- Inspiration
Leave a review to let others know what you thought of the instrument!
This is secretly an organ...
Have been using this to great effect as an organ in a couple of tracks. Put a tremolo and some widening if you like and you get this amazing 70s organ feel! Not like a tacky small home organ but like a really big one! And I tell you, there is certainly no harm in going into that territory every now and then...
Something unique
Really love this, totally unique. Thank you for making this available and keep doing what you do!
Lovely, tapey, synthy sound
This is great, while it might be from a guitar in the higher ranges I found it adds some great texture over synths. I look forward to using this in many places.
Soothing sounds for the soul
These two patches are very well made, and feature an amazing and soothing sound signature that may go well in many different styles. The two included layers that you can mix offer even greater diversity, and along with the included Reverb, they all sound just awesome. I personally prefer to have everything right in the center, because by default, one of them is slightly off-panned to the left, but luckily you can easily change that in a second, via the super nice GUI. Great to have that absolutely for free on DS!
Excellent work Mister Peartree!
When you feel enoesque, on a thursday afternoon, load it!