The story
Hi! My name is Mirkito Nisenson,
I present thee the *Sample Choir*
I threw this instrument together two years after recording the samples.
See, I always carry a stereo recorder with me, just in case, and this particular time what happened is that I found a very nice sounding room and decided to record a few ah’s of my natural voice. I did so and forgot about those recordings until today, about an hour ago inspiration stroke and here I am! Writing for you! I hope you enjoy and explore this simple characterful choir and take it to its limits.
Lots of love, Mirkito.
Hold your expectations: This instrument does not intend to be a realistic high quality sounding choir, it is the product of a small project with the intention of sounding unique and being useful… only if you get creative with it. ¡Enjoy!

Testing, recording, designing and everything else is on me.

David Hilowitz
I used the Pianobook template (thanks David!)

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