The story
I was inspired by Henson to make a sample collection from popcorn. So here it is in its delicious glory.
This is a rather simple library with various fun elements made from popcorn. There are drumkits, loops and pads with an mind-blowingly amazing reverb-knob.
These samples were recorded from a pretty cheap and unfortunately quiet popcorn in a pot. I used one stereopair and one mono mic to record the samples.
Reviews for Rock-Corn
- Sound
- Character
- Playability
- Inspiration
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Inspiring sound!
Inspiring pad sound layered with some granular texture vibes. Has that 80's synth vibe going on. Enjoy!
So creative
This is such a cool idea. Ive always thought pop corn sounded really cool but i never dreamed of turning it into a percussion library. I dont think the pad is anything special honestly but i really love the percussion. It has a really snappy but also mellow sound i haven't really heard before. They should all be next to each other on the keyboard instead of being so spread out. This doesn't personally bother me much because i usually program drum parts one by one but i know others like to finger drum. I also really like the included loops
Poppy Popcorn!
These fun sounds are cool and usable. I'm a bit mystified as to why the drum sounds are so spread out on the keyboard. It really makes playing these sound s a lot harder. It would be so much better if they were just all grouped together in a smaller range. I love that the sounds are presented dry with easy access to reverb if you want it. The pad sounds all sound a bit dated to my ears, but YMMV. I am looking forward to using this the next time I need some organic sounding percussion, however. That WAS organic popcorn, right? I don't want any of that GMO stuff in my mixes! :-P
Popped my interest!
Inside this bag of pop-corns you will find two categories of patches, "corn-pad", which is a pad-like instrument if that's not obvious, and "rock-corn", which is a drum kit!
The Corn-pad is nicey, but I find the samples stopping in a way that I don't personally enjoy. It is also kind of obvious that each of the 4 pad patches is basically 1 sample per patch, just tuned up and down. Perhaps it would be a little more practical if all the patches were combined into one.
The drum kit is nice though! There are also loops which are good enough to give you some inspiration in terms of how you may use the single patches. With that said, in one the single patches, I find the distance between the keys too high for me, I would need 4 hands to brainstorm a rhythm!
I'm also sure that most of the patches could have been combined to give more inspiration and choices for the player. You should try and pop it too!