The story
RJS Classic Electric is a finger picked electric guitar. The main sound features true-legato (hammer-on, pull-off) transitions, and real vibrato. The instrument also has a plain sound suited for arpeggios. Other keyswitch controllable articulations include slides, slide legato, palm muted notes, and dead notes. (User guide included.)
The package comes with ‘Guitar Chords’ accessory instrument that can be used to play simple but authentic chord recordings.
RJS Sampling Suite script collection for Reaper was an indispensable help while creating the samples. You can find more information about these automation tools on my YouTube channel.
About the Decent Sampler version of the instrument: The original library relies heavily on Kontakt’s script engine so it is impossible to make the Decent Sampler version work exactly the same way. The DS version is an adaptation of the Kontakt version and the two differ in legato functionality, keyswitching, and sound options. (Please read ‘readme.txt’ for more information.)
A Sound Demo
Reviews for RJS Classic Electric
- Sound
- Character
- Playability
- Inspiration
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This is the beste sampled electric guitar ever until now, as far as I am concerned!!
Jesus this voice very amazing!!!!!!!!!! its sounds like real guitar!!!! omg i love it
Deep Sampling of a Classic Guitar!
The Library
A finger-picked electric guitar library, covering almost 4 octaves, and implementing a range of articulations, e.g., legato, palm muting, dead notes, slides, and more. Also, a separate instrument that allows you to play major/minor chords with several articulations (e.g., regular, muted, power chords).The Samples
The samplist (Risto) has put in some significant time with this library, recording a deep range of samples. Main sample groups include: Normal (w/vibrato), No Vibrato, Palm Muted, Dead Notes, Up/Down Slides, Legato transitions (semitone & whole tone, up & down), Dead Strums, Noises, and Releases. The groups most prone to be played 'short' (i.e., no vibrato, palm muted) include 3 round robins. He also sampled part of the guitar at a different place on the neck, allowing the player to switch to different 'neck routes' via keyswitching for a brighter or darker tone. So many options, and including over 600 samples(!). And this is just for the Classic Guitar instrument.The Chords instrument includes the following sample groups:
Major Up, Major Down, Minor Up, Minor Down,
Power Chords Up, Power Chords Down,
Palm Muted Power Chords (4 round robins), and
Palm Muted Single Notes Up & Down (4 round robins each).
Another 108 samples to accomplish this!The Instruments
The 'Classic Electric' instrument is for playback of the single note samples, and it is set up to encourage arpeggios and simple solo lines. Besides the keyswitching to access the various articulations (see the handy diagram Risto includes in the files!), it allows you to turn on/off legato, turn on/off vibrato, and change the 'neck routing' to give you a slightly brighter or darker tone.The 'Guitar Chords' instrument is set up to quickly play strummed chords, palm muted chords, and palm muted single notes, again via keyswitching.
And, then, both instruments have buttons to bring in several amp tones and reverb settings.
What I Liked
I like many things about this instrument. First off, that the samplist put so much time/energy/effort into packing this instrument with so much musicality.Secondly, it is so playable and usable, in so many ways, and in so many genres. From simple arpeggiation, to palm muted power chords, to dead notes/strums, to solo lines, the library gives you a broad reach.
Third, it gives me a new appreciation for how much you can offer to the Pianobook community, even in a free instrument. Thanks, Risto! I am grabbing up your other instruments, also, and learning from them as I approach making my first sample library.
What I Would Wish For
Not much to say here, I like virtually everything about the library, especially the Classic Electric library (I'm a sucker for arpeggiated guitar). Maybe some more detailed documentation around 'neck routing'...? I found this part hard to understand, at first, and even had to ask questions to the samplist so I (hopefully) didn't mess up the explanation in the review.Overall - this is one of the very best implementations I have seen in Pianobook, and better than many paid libraries. Keep it coming, Risto!
One Guitar to Rule them All
If you're looking for a clean crisp classic sounding Electric Guitar, go no further, I can't believe this is free, in my option it trumps many paid guitars. The legato is fantastic, I love the 5 different sounds it comes with and the vibrato sounds so natural and well-balanced.
I created a little video reviewing and walking people through it! https://youtu.be/_risc1DO6mU
Almost perfect
Boy, what have I been looking for a good sampled Strat. I bought RealStrat, Pettinhouse DG4, Amplesound SC, NI Electric Mint, and many more. None of them had exactly the sound I wanted.
This one by RJS has the perfect sound. Glassy, expressive, convincing across the fretboard.
The only thing I wish for next Christmas is more articulations such as unison bends, short and long slides, legato slide, feedback etc.
But that's nitpicking. I am very happy with how it sounds, it was what I've been looking for :)