The story

OK back to basics. As a guitar tutor I often show the kids that you can make all sort of weird
noises with a guitar. Harmonics, bends etc and they never believe me when I say I can play a guitar
with a pencil. Until I do that is. So this is it.

Two versions.
A simple sample of me hitting the strings with a pencil rather than plucking it either either a pick or a finger.
Alternatively, a bounce. Where I hit the strings and let the pencil bounce on it.

Hope you find it useful.

In response to Biduleux’s review. I can’t duplicate that. Have you tried running it standalone in Decent Sampler to ensure it’s not something going on in your DAW? thanks for the review and please let me know the cause if you sort it out.

Watch this space for an update in the new year with velocity layers so you can use both sounds with one patch.



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