The story
It all started when I was asked if I could make the sound of an electronic circuit switching on and off. I wrote an emulation in MaxForLive, published it to MaxForLive.com ( https://maxforlive.com/library/device/7074/onoff-emulation ) and wrote about it on my blog: ( https://blog.synthesizerwriter.com/2021/03/emulating-turning-circuit-on-and-off.html ). Inspired by Christian Henson’s pedal video ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yF6VKqpC-nA ) about using guitar pedals as a live performance tool, I sampled lots of pedal foot-switches and made the samples available as well. So anyone who wanted to, now had the raw material to emulate a circuit being powered up and down, complete with the iconic ‘classic’ sound of a footswitch… But some of those footswitch samples had strange and interesting artefacts in them, so I took my favourite and turned it into a virtual instrument as a way of learning Decent Sampler (Huge thanks to David Hilowitz, btw). And that’s what this is – a by-product of an implementation from a question via a video inspiration.
It isn’t obvious from the instructions as to how you submit in Decent Sampler format, so who knows what will happen next…
Reviews for OnOffScrapes
- Sound
- Character
- Playability
- Inspiration
Leave a review to let others know what you thought of the instrument!
Interesting Cymbal like hit
Very interesting!! Cymbal like hitting sound, but it is playable on keys. At lower range it has some interesting broken hit kind of effect.
Interesting impacts...
This instrument is a nice little package of unique sounding impacts that nicely compliment most other synthesizer sounds. Clean and simple interface makes it easy to play. Very nice.
Really weird Textures
Like everyone said, be careful with the Q because it starts very quiet but gets really loud really fast. Although i prefer OnOffScrapes2 this one is still really cool, useful and good to have around. This one has a more metallic scrape like quality than the second one and also has a more rhythmic characteristic about it with some shorter hits. The different cymbal hits can be slowed down alot to create instructing artifacts and there's really alot of different sounds you can get out of this pack. Another useful horror instrument.
Glitchy Scrapes
At first, I thought I was doing something wrong, could hardly hear anything, then after adjust the Tone and Q knobs, it came to life. I'm throwing this in with some glitchy drum kit sounds and it gives some interesting character. Running it through a huge reverb with a long tail or delay has some cool results too.
Interesting sound designs
This instrument seemed to have a big problem. Everything was incredibly quiet at first. I tried boosting the volume, and tried the mod and expression pedals to no avail. It looks like something is wrong with the programming, because when the Q knob is at minimum, the sound is almost completely muted. Once I got it going and heard the sounds, I was impressed. They are unique and usable. I appreciate that it's easy to remove the copious amounts of reverb applied to the instrument by default, and I also appreciate the excellent programming with the samples being carefully trimmed so they start without delay. Great work!