The story
This is November Piano.
It will take you straight into the darkness of November.
The foggy fields and the rainy days.
It will fill you up with nostalgia and melancholy.
It’s inspired by my track “November” and I wanted this plugin to be just as sad and gloomy as the melody of that composition.
The sampled piano is my felted living room piano. It’s an old dusty piano that I’ve tried to tune myself, which obviously makes it far from perfect.
But since I put felt into it the character of it have really started to shine through and I’ve grown to like it a lot, despite all its shortcomings, or perhaps because of them.
Although I’ve done a lot of sampling in the past this is the first time I try to make a proper kontakt instrument, so just as the piano itself it’s far from perfect. But maybe that’s what I like about it so much.
Hope you’ll enjoy it too!
/Daniel Rosenholm
Description of controls:
Piano – Volume of the piano
p – Pedal volume
rt- Release trigger volume
Nostalgia – Randomly hit notes run through a cassette tape effect
Melancholy – The randomly hit notes reversed
The cloud – Adjusts the volume of Nostalgia and Melancholy together. Responds to mod wheel
Rain – Volume of rain
Darkness – Low pass filter, makes the sound darker
Fog – Reverb amount
Soundcloud link with plugin in action: https://soundcloud.com/danielrosenholm/november-plugin-version
“November” original track: https://youtu.be/DhYz7GlCXFY
Reviews for November Piano
- Sound
- Character
- Playability
- Inspiration
Leave a review to let others know what you thought of the instrument!
Just November
Melancholy and thoughtful... Thank you. Just yesterday I discovered the magnificent WörliTzer on Pianobook. And today it's a beautiful November Piano. With it I can love November again...
Daniel, thank you. All the music!
The Perfect Lo-Fi Piano.
I have gotten a huge amount of use out of this instrument, and will continue to do so. If, like me, bright pianos are not your thing, this really feels like the best emotive, soft, yet expansive piano I have found to date. The core sounds are full of character, and the available processing in the GUI enhances this with atmospheric artifacts and inspiration.
Plays well with others - I have layered this with una corda's and felt pianos on various projects with incredible results.
Perfectly named. Full of possibility.Way too many feels...
A cold winter night, a cup of chocolate, and the sound of rain blended with a mellow piano to top it all. This is a very nicely done idea, that is also very well made too. The sampling job is amazing, the GUI is also amazing, and of course the sound of the piano itself is very pleasing to my ears. There is no white noise at all in any of the samples, and the dynamics are alright.
There is only one major playability problem that comes with the rain sound - if you play without the sustain pedal, the rain suddenly stops if you raise one note, even if you play 9 more. The problem gets "fixed" if you play with the sustain pedal, but the rain stops after you lift it. The only solution is to just let the rain play by itself without any notes happening.
Do this and it will be PERFECT.
Thrumming piano swarms
Mod wheel controls the amount of swarming effects -- both forward and backward, as well as increasing and decreasing the size of the cute fluffy cloud in the GUI. While the piano sound itself is really good, the swarming and the reversed echoes are what keep me coming back for more. Those characteristics are really unique and musical. Well done!
The nostalgia & melancholy effects are a highlight!
While the piano is nicely sampled, and full of felted thumby character, the real star of this library is the nostalgia & melancholy effects: a twisting evloving bed of detailed ear candy. I keep coming back to this library for these effects and have often used them by themselves away from the piano itself. They are a wonderful way to add subtle detail into drones and static sections of score. 100% recomend!