The story
This was recorded as part of an upcoming collection of instruments I am currently working on. These have been focussed on the Decent Sampler format as I have an interest in the promotion of accessibility to virtual instruments.
I approached a local tuner to ask about sampling one of their pianos with the view of preserving an instrument that could later be played by the family who had to part ways with it. It was sampled using an array of mics, including a Equitek E300, a pair of Oktava MK319s as well as a pair of trusty Shure SM57s.
Although this began as three dynamic layers with round robins (RR’s) and multiple controls for each mic configuration, I was drawn to something in the lower dynamics and began to reimagine how I may use the instrument as an ambient sound design tool.
So, what I present now is the multiple microphones mixed on a single slider with a single dynamic layer, no RR’s along with a complimentary granular pad (with its own dedicated slider) which I made using the same initial recordings with a smidge of euro rack magic.
I have created a version in both Kontakt and Decent Sampler, but as this is my first adventure with Decent Sampler, I would gladly welcome any feedback and suggestions for any improvements and future development.
I would like to thank Dave Hilowitz for his continued generosity with his time and amazing skills, the folks at Pianobook that have made such a wealth of resources free to people like myself and especially Chris at Legacy Piano Services for allowing me to make the recording in the first place, and I hope that you enjoy the sound and feel of the Legacy Knight Piano. Paul

Paul James
Responsible for concept, recording, GUI design, and programming

Responsible for beta testing and improvement suggestions

Reviews for Legacy Knight Piano
- Sound
- Character
- Playability
- Inspiration
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Wow Amazing!
This is now my favorite piano sample. I love worshiping God with this Piano Sample! Thanks so much and God bless!
Very nice dark sounding piano and very easy to use
my favorite piano ever
this piano is as the title says the best piano I have ever used it’s absolutely beautiful and I adore how the sustain works on it with how it slowly turns into a pad
Beautiful Piano
A beautiful uncomplicated sound. Think I now want a knight piano though...
This is a beauty! The core piano sound is clear and characterful and the pad is a very nice bonus. Only one velocity layer, but that one layer sounds great. Makes a really usable default piano sound.