The story
This is a collaboration with Tim Steemson. His original Kontakt script generator inspired me to help the Pianobook samplists community through my own methods. He has generously made a HUGE update to his original script generator as shown in the video below. My contribution to his project is this Kontakt Scripting Playground that includes many coding techniques that I have used on past projects. Sam Ecoff has graciosly allowed me to use samples he recorded for pOrtals to be reused for this project. Please see the thoroughly commented script titled “tab_1.txt” to understand how the many features were implimented. The code should be treated as a fully open-source, therefore copy and pasting the script is welcome. I hope you find this helpful.
Please see Tim Steemson’s profile for the Kontakt Script Generator.
*** Reference “tab_1.txt” to see the open-source code ***

Reviews for Kontakt Scripting Playground
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I just wanted to say thank you. There's so many things I could say otherwise, but really that's it.
Thank you. Both. From the bottom of my RAM.
Mr Hay