The story
This is my Conrad Mollenhauer flute played without blowing, just finger staccato key presses.
A similar page ( to the Mickleburgh piano ) of impulse responses has been included, with a fresh set of splish – splash – splosh added.
Kontakt 5 only this time. Crack on!
Reviews for Conrad Mollenhauer – Flute Key Staccato
- Sound
- Character
- Playability
- Inspiration
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The art of noise, maybe?
This is interesting, and really unexpected. At first I thought I would listen to an actual flute playing short notes, but it's definitely not the case. It's really the noises that a flute can make while playing staccato, and that sounds more like a very dry mallet, or rather a plastic pipe hit with something. I doubt that's the way of playing it though, because you will see that there are 5 impulse responses for you to mess around and they can make things veeery ambient. Weirdly enough, the on-off switch is upside down... Whyyy???...
Anyway, if you don't want too much ambience, you can try the included arpeggiator, which, unlike every other arpeggiator/sequencer I've seen on all Pianobook, this one works like a charm! Kudos to the creator for the unique idea and for the proper execution.
The Magic Flute...
The instrument by itself would have been plenty for a PB instrument. But the inclusion of the brilliant arpeggiator and also the IR's make this a really well rounded library. The sound as you can imagine is pretty quirky especially in the top end. But don't be fooled, after playing around with this thing for a while, you'll begin to realise there's some quite mature sounds to be made, from the low range in particular. The IR's can crank the signal a little too hot, but give it some patience and you'll dial in some nice tones. The arpeggiator makes it especially usable for a lot of modern scoring. When ostinatos are everywhere, this can add a really unique tonal percussive layer to a track. Bravo Ashley!
Unique patch - staccato flute!
Again it is very interesting instrument! A staccato flute. Very unique sound patch. It has a key noise knob, and when it is turned down, the volume also goes down so it is maybe nice to separate the noise and the sound of flute?
Fun flute slaps ala boomwhackers!
This sound, which seems reminiscent of boom whackers, is fun and musical, and there's a super useful arpeggiator and five different customizable impulse responses to make it even more interesting. These sounds are great and really useful. the only gripe I have is that the beginnings of the samples are consistently set from groups to drop, so that if you activate the arpeggiator and hold down a bunch of keys, you won't hear a nice steady rhythm as you'd expect. The rhythm glitches every few notes because the start of one sample is longer than the rest. Even so, this is a worthy download, and has the potential to be completely awesome if that little glitch is fixed.
Percussive yet tonal
While i personally dont love this instrument i think its a really creative idea for a sample library and was excuted pretty well. The sound is percussive yet tonal which is really cool and can make some interesting effects. It also comes with impulse responses and here you can go crazy with reverb and make it almost unrecognizable. I think this might be a fun thing to reverse when drenched in reverb. Thats one of the cool things about this sound, its really dry so you can do so many things to it. I dont personally like the sound that much but i think others will really dig it.