The story
I created the first sample pack based on the sound of a children’s toy from the USSR – EMI.
Toy 1987, cost at the time of sale 20 rubles. EMI is a single-voiced instrument designed to develop musical abilities in children of primary school age.
The generator in it is implemented on germanium transistors, which gives specific distortion and sound. From the controls – volume, tone adjustment, and two buttons – vibrato with a fixed frequency value and a filter.
A feature of circuitry is that each key is tuned separately, which often causes each key to sound off tone.
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респект мастеру!
хорошая работа проделана. спасибо вам за пак. все работает, пока, вроде бы, глюков не обнаружено, пишу в cakewalk. в детстве такая была настоящая. даже и не представил бы, что в итоге эмулятором спустя годы вернется. звук достаточно кислотный и едкий. класс!