The story

.Hello and welcome to the Cymbalum ver 1.0
My Name is Les Cook from Maidstone Kent England
This is my very first Decent Sampler instrument, in fact my very first sampled instrument.
I hope someone can use it and I would love to see hear the results.
My journey into the art of sampling has taken me about 2 years of watching many YouTube videos by Christian Henson, Dave Hilowitz, Nicolas Bras along with many others and slowly learning the basics.
A big thank you all for the amazing work and inspiration you have given to me and many others.
This Physical instrument is one I built for a music project I was running called
music from things
This instrument is a reimagining of a 15th century Cymbalum or Cymbalom from the Middle east and later in the 1870’s Hungary using recycled materials. My instrument has only 6 strings often tuned to a pentatonic scale.
Heinz baked bean cans as the resonators. Old bed slats to form the base. Threaded rod insulated with electrical tape to mount the baked bean cans on to the base. Used guitar strings and a set of guitar tuner heads.
This instrument was used in many interactive displays and instrument building workshops around Maidstone over the last year.
It was recorded using 2 Rode M3 microphones and a Zoom F3 recorder.
Sample editing, tuning and de-noise was all done in Reaper.
Coding of the Decent sampler instrument was done with Sublime text.
Thank you for having a look and look forward to any constructive comments.
Best wishes
Les Cook


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