The story
Happy New Year Everyone! 2023 was a rollercoaster of a year. World events being escalation of the Ukraine War, The Israel and Palestine conflict, The Death of Kissinger, Widespread UFO Sightings and declassifications, and much more. In my Personal Life I was Laid off from my job and I still haven’t found new work, But I also went to Lollapolooza with friends I haven’t seen in a while, Went to the Bahamas for the first time, Exhibited in Seattle and so on. Overall I am glad 2023 is over, It was exhausting and emotional. Hopefully 2024 is more stable. To celebrate enjoy this classic style Slide Whistle Toy that I turned into an instrument for you all to play with! As always, I hope you all enjoy and if you make anything interesting with this or just want to message me about this vst, feel free to reach out.
New Album ‘Netrunner’ Out Now!
Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/necatuss/
Check out my Music: https://linktr.ee/Necatuss
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