The story
On my way out for a walk on Make Music Day 2020 I picked up my Chilly’s bottle and accidentally tapped it against the cupboard. Loving the pure sound of it I quickly got out my Sontronics ST-1 microphones and a carrot (the Henson choice for music beaters).
I allowed the bottle to hang in my fingers by the cap and hit at the bottom of the bottle (which is a much softer sound) and also in the middle (which is more metallic). You can adjust the mix of these two sounds in the GUI.
I uses the “monolith” style template, creating just two WAV files (softer and harder) each with 10 velocity layers. In my rush to record I accidentally sampled in 44.1khz so had to adjust the start and end points in Kontakt but this was simple maths.
Reviews for Chilly’s Bottle
- Sound
- Character
- Playability
- Inspiration
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I didn't expect much, but...
This library is really playable, and really musical. It has managed to tame the massive quantities of inharmonic frequencies which so often plague other metal source libraries. I found this library really inspiring and highly usable. I've already used it on a track, and I'm sure it will stay in the rotation for me for years to come!
A Chilly's Bottle... Beaten with a carrot... Yes you read that right.
It's exactly as you'd expect. Brilliantly simple, fabulously quirky and what piano book is all about. This instruments not only sounds great but has a nice control over the sound with hard/soft faders. It deserves an ADSR control on the GUI, but that's really a bit extra for something like this. Amazing work!
A proper mallet-like percussion!
It's like a hangdrum but it's actually a water bottle! With just some small noises in some samples that trigger from time to time, this sounds really good. You also have the option to mix two different kinds of feels, a hard and a soft one. You can completely turn off the one if you want. I personally prefer more the soft one!
Lovely pure tone.
Sometimes simplicity is best. 2 samples (soft and hard) and a basic GUI allowing you to mix them together in varying amounts. The hard sample is nice and icy and the soft has a lovely warmth to it. It might have been nice to have ADSR controls but you can get a pretty nice variety of sounds with just the two controls.
I added copious amounts of Valhalla Supermassive to it to produce a demo track and I’m pretty happy with the results.
Jellyfish Jam
This instrument has a really unique tone and definitely sounds like a water bottle but also like an electric piano. For some reason it made me think of Jellyfish jam from spongebob. Its also cool to be able to blend between and Hard and soft samples. I think this would sound awesome with some delay, there's no built in delay but this isn't a complaint. I don't mind adding my own and having extra control. Very creative and unique sounding instrument