The story
Larry Seyer Acoustic Drums http://LarrySeyer.com Beefy Room Tuned High Rod DrumKit Available for free at https://www.pianobook.co.uk/profile/larryseyer/ Features Pat Mastelotto on Drums Library produced by Larry Seyer Edited by Stephen Orsak and Topher Barnett YouTube Demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCYbJVD1xzE
Drum assignment layout:
Larry Seyer Acoustic Drums - Beefy Room Tuned High Rod
Reviews for Beefy Room Tuned High Rod
- Sound
- Character
- Playability
- Inspiration
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Top Shelf
This is an obnoxiously good sounding sample pack. If you're careful about programming, it sounds legitimately natural. There's an outstanding variety of articulations, particularly in the hats and snare, two things I see most sample packs kind of breeze through. The only part of the kit that's notably lacking is the kick, which in comparison to the sampling depth of the other pieces is sort of one dimensional. Them's small potatoes though.
Aside from the mapping oddity that many other reviews have noted, my only other (extremely minor) critique is that the room tone can be a little overwhelming. However comma, that really is part of its charm. This kit is a cannon, and it's very satisfying to hear the shell impact.
Thanks for putting this out for free Larry, it's fantastic.
Nice samples and realism
The sound of these samples are pretty nice and the room ambience definitely adds character. The little rolls and things are awesome too, I always love when these are included. I agree with everyone that the mapping is weird but this isn't really a big deal for me. I rarely ever finger drum in whole beats i like to usually add layers one by one. So although it might not be as easy to find the sounds relative to where they might be in other libraries, its not too much of an issue for me
Beta testing needed...
This and the other drumset library by Larry would highly benefit from some better keymapping. Even knowing my way around a kit after having played for 6+ years, this library leaves me searching long and hard for sounds that I know should be there. Other than that it's a really cool library with some nice sound.
Great sound, needs better key mapping
For a Sforzando instrument this is a big one, and quality-wise, it's shows! The samples sound excellent, though it seems that they are slightly panned to the left. The worst part of it is the mapping, because it doesn't follow the general midi drum mapping, so if you are familiar with that, or if you have a percussion map on your daw, good luck. Too bad, because these sound very nice! The CC064 was confusing to me at first, but eventually I realized it has to do with how the hi-hat functions. Never saw that feature before...
Great sounding drums with a not-so-great layout
These drums are very well recorded, and the "beefy room" ambiance really adds to their effectiveness. However, the way these drums are laid out on the keyboard makes it really difficult to create a drum part. It would have been far more effective to have used Round Robins for all of the individual snare drum hits, and then to have used the widely accepted GM kit mapping. It's kind of a shame because these are really really great sounds which are being held back by a mapping and lack of GUI which really reduces their usefulness.