The story
A hand cranked, noisy paper roll music box recorded into Logic before being re recorded to cassette using an old, dusty cassette recorder. The tape signal was then recorded back into Logic and further processed. I then created a noisy synth pad on the OP-1 and recorded this to the tape at a slower speed and fed the music box recordings through granular fx to create a subtle fragments layer to blend with the original sound. Each layer volume is controlled by the 4 faders. Also includes ADSR, Rev, Delay, Haze (LP filter) and Warp & Crunch (Lofi)
The layers are:-
Sound Graphic
Original Source (Mic)
Cassette Tape Signal (Cassette)
Synth (Waveform)
Fragments (Spiral)
Kontakt 5.8.1 or later

John Rushton

Reviews for Ambient Textures
- Sound
- Character
- Playability
- Inspiration
Leave a review to let others know what you thought of the instrument!
A lot of THOUGHT and CREATIVITY goes into desiging a New Musical Instrument. While I can't appreciate all the hard work that it takes to do that, I can appreciate the Unique and Beautiful sounds of Ambient Textures !!!
Thank You John Rushton for sharing this Beautiful and Original Sounding Instrument with us! It's VERY Unique and Very Emotional. I'm looking forward to recording with it.
Thank You
David Reuter
Big Tent Nashville
Is perfect and awesome
Very nice texture, great for making a relaxing climate in music
This instrument has a very pleasant flavour. It's not completely uniform but diverse which makes it even more interesting in sound. Thanks for uploading. Cheers
Ethereal and ambient
Very nice. I like the processing on the fragments layer, that's really pretty. Also great that you made the layers adjustable - drop the fragments out and it's a totally different instrument, just as pretty but even more delicate. It's a gem. Ta.
Nice take on a music box
The sound and character are great. I really like what John has done with transforming the sound of the music box as it doesn't sound like a traditional music box any more but still can fulfil a similar role with the light, almost magical feeling. I can imagine situations coming up in scoring where this would happily slot right in as the main hook for a cue.
For playability I'd love to see built in dynamics and expression, and while the GUI is very pretty, I'm not sure what some of the sliders do from the GUI itself.