The story

Edinburgh is a warren of abandoned train lines. Used by cyclists as a network called the “inner tube” (get it?). One of these lines “the innocent” is a long trail that skirts around Arthur’s Seat with a dank, musty graffitied tunnel with unusual acoustics. Time to pull out an unpronouncable drum for some fun with acoustics (in between cyclists whizzing by).

(we justified this silliness by performing some time alignment experiments…. how slow is sound???!!!)


Christian Henson

Reviews for Tunnel Bodhran

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  • Genial

    Gracias Christian por cargar nuevamente Tunnel Bodhran. Siempre acudía a él, lo había perdido en una rotura de disco duro. Espero puedas cargar nuevamente Tunnel Voices que lo extraño en muchas producciones.

    Mauricio Riva Rey02 February 2025
  • How to Say Bodhrán

    Great sample pack, and easily as good as the paid Bodhrán samples I have.

    However, Bodhrán is not pronounced bo-ron (as you said in the video).

    It's bow-rawn. Bow to rhyme with cow and rawn to rhyme with corn. Strech the last last syllable...bow-raawn.

    Stephen Power04 February 2025