The story
Hey there!
I’m Matt, and I’m undergraduating in Music Education at UFSM (Universidade Federal de Santa Maria at Rio Grande do Sul, BRAZIL)
First of all, the very first VSTi I’ve ever installed was Decent Sampler and I have a memorable story with the “Santa Monica Waves” library <3 -a love at first sight- during "music production intro" classes.
All that being said, my work and studies are focused on Acoustic Ecology and Soundscape studies -by the books of R. Murray Schafer. All the work I did with the undergraduation internship alumni (acoustic experiments and "soundwalks" at the university's grove/forest), allowed me to record samples of them walking over the gravel and the moist grass and the unexpected humming noise of the air-cooling system engine of the Data Processing Center building -right beside the grove.
By filtering those samples, I've created 4 different sounds (1 pluck and 3 harmonic pads), and I'm now sharing this library as a return for Decent Sampler's community that also creates a lot of interesting libraries!
Hope you all enjoy the sounds of It. =)
Thanks for downloading!
Soon I'll post a video of this library on my YouTube channel, so stay tuned on !

Reviews for Bosque
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great atmosphere!
This one is really nice!
The Pluck sounds are great, natural sounding and rich in overtones. Easy to filter them to your needs.
The atmospheric sounds have a lot of character. Especially with good amount of Distortion they sound really awesome.Using this with Decent Sampler and Bitwig, the DLY-settings havent been saved in the session. Don´t know if it´s a Bitwig-thing or from the Instrument.